Riga, Latvia
Oakland, California
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
London, United Kingdom
Montclair, New Jersey
Harlem, New York
New York, New York
New York, New York
Amherst, Massachusetts
Washington, D.C.
Miami, Florida
New York, New York
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Texas
The Morgan Library, New York, New York
Fifth Avenue at 42nd St. New York, New York
New York, New York
Brooklyn, New York
Kansas City, Missouri
London, United Kingdom
New York, New York
Berlin, Germany
Bologna, Italy
Los Altos, California
New York, New York
Uwajima, Japan
Brooklyn, New York
Los Angeles, California
Sarasota, Florida
Beijing, China
INOVA - Institute of Visual Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Minnesota
San Francisco, California
Trafalgar Square, London, United Kingdom
Arlington, TX