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billboard design by Trenton Doyle Hancock

Congratulations to Trenton Doyle Hancock on the unveiling of his new public commission for Art at a Time Like This. Titled 8X5, the size of an average prison cell, the project is spread across 25 billboards located near courthouses and government offices to provoke a dialogue about the U.S. criminal justice system. Hancock was invited to contribute a new original artwork that considers the subject. 8X5 also features commissioned works by Guerrilla Girls, Shepard Fairey, and Sam Durant; plus two artists who have direct experience with incarceration, Sherrill Roland and poet Faylita Hicks.  

Hancock's work is on view at NW 27th Ave & NW 27th St / NW 20th St & NW 17th Ave, Miami, FL until July 20. The project will subsequently travel to New York, Houston, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C through 2022 and 2023.

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