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上海James Cohan画廊荣幸地呈上冬季群展《圣诞工坊》。展览汇集了一批国际艺术家创作的艺术品、玩具和限量版产品。

圣诞佳节之际,为丰满圣诞老人形象、满足今日全球圣诞消费的供求,《圣诞工坊》将奉上由艾未未、Francis Alÿs、Olaf Breuning、Pawel Althamer、森万里子等艺术家创作的精美限量版作品。这些作品由25余年历史的艺术杂志《Parkett》出版发行。同时《工坊》亦携小平画廊,带来由沪上艺术家杨振中和肖骏的作品。展览的另一厢设有一间精品店,展示Laurie Anderson、Carsten Höller、Rirkrit Tiravanija、Luc Tuymans、赵半狄等艺术家跨艺术、时装、设计、音乐等多个领域的创作。此外,亦有传奇的美国艺术家Vito Acconci的巨幅万花筒拼图作品《放大的玩偶》以及录像艺术之父白南准的丝网印唱片系列。

本次展览的另一亮点是立于画廊正厅中央的作品《设计2007 • 圣诞快乐》。出自艺术家史金淞之手的这件旋转的不锈钢圣诞树典雅肃穆,繁复巧妙的设计将传统的节日符号转译成了精巧险峻的兵器利刃。本次展览亦邀请了艺术家陈维、郭鸿蔚、李姝睿、梁远苇以及仇晓飞开办了一间"圣诞邮局"。邮局回溯了1980年代,当时圣诞文化被认为是近20多年里西方文化输入的典型案列,圣诞节庆从此开始在本土青年之间风靡起来,圣诞卡消费成了一桩文化现象。在这个特殊的邮局里,你不但可以看到艺术家们为"圣诞"创作的卡片,还可以书写、邮寄限量版的贺卡。

此外,《圣诞工坊》还将展出更多艺术家的作品,比如,上海艺术家余友涵波普丝网版画,以及美国摄影师Bill Owens摄于1970年代的美国郊区生活、节庆图景。这些照片今日已经是摄影史上的名作。先前首展于上海ShContemporary艺博会上的两件由Fred Tomaselli和Beatriz Milhazes创作的挂毯作品亦会加入到《工坊》之中。


更多信息,请联系 许宇 或 +86 21 5466 0825 *602。

James Cohan Gallery Shanghai is pleased to present its winter exhibition Santa's Workshop Shanghai: Selected works, toys and artists' editions. The exhibition features unique works, sculptures, multiples and editions by international artists.

Capturing the imaginations of children, and in the spirit of Christmas, Santa's workshop has officially announced its relocation from the North Pole to Shanghai. In an effort to help Santa Claus keep up with the global demand for new and usual gifts, a selection of special editions by artists, Ai Weiwei, Francis Alÿs, Olaf Breuning, Pawel Althamer, Mariko Mori, among others, published by the prestigious critical art journal Parkett Editions, as well as works by Shanghai-based Yang Zhenzhong and Xiao Jun presented by Shopping Gallery will be on view. A special Christmas boutique has been set up inside the gallery, showcasing works made by artists such as Laurie Anderson, Carsten Höller, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Luc Tuymans, Zhao Bandi that cross over various disciplines like fashion, design and music. Also included in this show will be legendary American artist Vito Acconci's large kaleidoscopic puzzle Blown-Up Baby-Doll and a series of silkscreened laser discs by the ground-breaking pioneer of video art Nam June Paik.

As a centerpiece to this exhibition is Shi Jinsong's motorized, stainless steel Christmas tree. Shi's tree, titled Design 2007•Merry Christmas, turns the traditional holiday symbol into an ominous and elaborately embellished potential weapon. In addition, the gallery has commissioned artists Chen Wei, Guo Hongwei, Li Shurui, Liang Yuanwei, and Qiu Xiaofei to create Santa's Post Office with handmade Christmas cards—drawings, photographs, collages—which revisit the special moment when the celebration of Christmas, and the huge consumption of Christmas cards, by young Chinese was initially deemed as major components of massive western cultural imports in the late 1980s. Visitors will also be able to write and send cards directly to Santa's workshop using an edition of special postcards which will be available during the exhibition.

Other works on view will include a Richard Hamilton-inspired silkscreen print by Shanghai-based artist Yu Youhan and photographs from the 1970s by the American photographer Bill Owens, whose images of American suburban life (and during the holiday season) have become cult classics. Two extraordinary contemporary tapestries by Fred Tomaselli and Beatriz Milhazes, debuted at this year's ShContemporary fair, will also be on view.

Opening reception and Christmas party: December 18, Friday, 6-8 p.m.

For further information, please contact Leo Xu at or +86 21 5466 0825 *602.

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