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上海James Cohan画廊 地址:徐汇区岳阳路170弄1号楼1楼,近永嘉路

上海James Cohan画廊将于2月11日至2月29日推出冬季画廊艺术家作品联展。展览将展示过去几年在画廊举办过个展或群展的艺术家们,并且也将展示两位最近加入画廊的艺术家——王燮达和石至莹的作品。

熟悉画廊的观众对此次展览中的不少艺术家和部分作品不会感到陌生,但“联展”提供了一个新的视角,将作品置于不同的语境与对话中重新来观看。一些主题贯穿于展览,并将不同的作品连接起来。在Joan Nelson、Karen Seapker、石至莹和Yuko Murata 的作品中就能明显看到风景和自然世界的主题;而季云飞三米多长的作品《浮草#3》,展现三峡地区无家可归的迁移人民的场景,则揭示了另一种创伤性的人为变动影响到成千上万的民众生活的风景。Folkert de Jong充满嘲讽意味的雕塑《一如既往》,一只猴子戴着帽子握着手杖,与此相呼应的是郭鸿蔚的看起来颇具凶兆的穴居人的头骨,仿佛在提醒着我们达尔文的理论“物竞天择,适者生存”。Ingrid Calame的绘画错综精巧地追踪着洛杉矶河岸,Richard Long的埃文河泥指纹印作品,Hiraki Sawa的影像作品《记录》是关于地点的转换,有真实的也有想象的(作品置于一个小小的古董游戏盒子里),这些作品展现给我们艺术家记录记忆与时间的不同方式。同时展出的还有在过去的一两年间曾在画廊举办过个展的Alex Katz、Roxy Paine和王燮达的作品。

更多信息或图片,请联系 周冰心 izhou@jamescohan.com或 +86-21-54660825。画廊工作时间:周二至周六,早10点至晚6点,周日中午12点至晚6点,周一请预约。


February 11 through February 29, 2012

Venue: James Cohan Gallery Shanghai Address: 1F, Building 1, No.170 Yueyang Road, by Yongjia Road

James Cohan Gallery Shanghai presents its winter interim exhibition Selected Works. Opening February 11 and continuing to February 29, the exhibition highlights many of the artists who have shown in solo or group exhibitions at the gallery during the exhibitions year, and will also include two new artists, Wang Xieda and Shi Zhiying, who have both recently joined the gallery’s program.

While a number of the artists or specific works might be familiar to frequent visitors of the gallery over the exhibitions year, Selected Works offers a chance to see certain pieces with fresh eyes and in a different context or dialogue with each other. Certain themes run throughout this exhibition that clearly connect the works on view. The landscape and natural world, for example, will be evident in the paintings by Joan Nelson, Karen Seapker, Shi Zhiying, and Yuko Murata, whereas Yun-fei Ji’s major three-meter scroll work Floating Weed #3, populated with displaced, migrating inhabitants around The Three Gorges Dam region, reveals another story about the landscape undergoing traumatic man-made changes affecting the lives of thousands. The pairing of Folkert de Jong’s sardonic sculpture Usual Business with its monkey poised in top hat and cane alongside Guo Hongwei’s ominous painting of a Neanderthal skull underscores or urges us to consider Darwin’s famous theory on “the survival of the fittest.” Ingrid Calame’s intricate drawing and painting of tracings along the Los Angeles River bank, Richard Long’s fingerprint Avon River mud works, and Hiraki Sawa’s video, titled Record, of places in transition--both real and imaginary (and to be viewed inside a small antique game box)--brings to mind different ways in which artists record memory and the passage of time. Alex Katz, Roxy Paine, and Wang Xieda--all of whom having had major solo exhibitions at the gallery in the exhibitions year--will also have works on view.

For further information or additional images, please contact Ms. Ivy Zhou at or +86 - 21 - 54660825. Gallery hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10-6 p.m., Sunday 12-6 p.m., and Monday by appointment.

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