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Image Credit © 2024. Photo:

Image Credit © 2024. Photo:


This catalogue accompanies the exhibition Suspended States presented at Serpentine South from 12 April – 1 September 2024, revealing Yinka Shonibare CBE’s latest installations, sculptures, pictorial quilts, and woodcut prints. The publication includes newly commissioned texts by Distinguished SUNY Professor Nkiru Nzegwu; Dr. Gus Casely-Hayford, Director of V&A East; curator and poet Péjú Oshin; Alayo Akinkugbe, writer, researcher, and creator of A Black History of Art; and Ann Marie Peña, Chair of Curatorial Programme and a Founding Trustee of the Yinka Shonibare Foundation. Along with a conversation between the artist and Hans Ulrich Obrist, these texts explore the central themes of SuspendedStates including how systems of power affect sites of refuge, debates on public statues, the ecological impact of colonialization, and the legacy of imperialism on conflict and consequential attempts at peace. The catalogue also highlights Shonibare’s social practice including his Guest Project experimental space in East London and the Guest Artist Space (G.A.S.) Foundation he launched in Nigeria in 2019. The texts range from poetic prose to rigorous examinations of Nigerian aesthetics, often rooted in the author’s personal experience and demonstrating the far-reaching influence of Shonibare’s extensive career across disciplines and generations.

ISBN: 978-1-908617-84-2 
Publisher: Serpentine, London
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, Köln
Edited by: Lizzie Carey-Thomas, Alexa Chow, Tamsin Hong
Texts by: Alayo Akinkugbe, Gus Casely-Hayford, Nkiru Nzegwu,
Hans Ulrich Obrist, Péjú Oshin, Ann Marie Peña, Yinka Shonibare CBE
30 x 24.5 cm
144 pages
82 coloured illustrations
Binding: Softcover
Publication date: April 2024
Language: English

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